The Automated Showing system in ViewMyListing9ae.com allows notifications to be sent to the seller when a showing has been scheduled on their property and an email is automatically generated to the showing agent after the showing occurs. ViewMyListing9ae.com takes care of the work when showings are entered.
Showings Schedule
The showing information is added to the property record in ViewMyListing9ae.com 9ae and the seller will also be able to see the scheduled showing from their online progress report. When a showing is scheduled, the calendar is also automatically updated so you know when your showings are taking place.
Automatic Feedback Survey

When a showing is scheduled with the email address of the showing agent, ViewMyListing9ae.com automatically emails the showing agent a feedback request after the showing. The survey is sent up to 3 times to collect the precious feedback from the showing agent. When the survey is completed, the results automatically appear on the seller progress report and entered into the property record for showing history tracking.
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